Meet the Party


When the player told me she wanted a character stereotyped as the snuz-nuz amazon of Futurama I LOL... then it came to my mind the only race-like-amazon available was the Goliath... So Femputadora is a Female Goliath Barbarian. (taken from PHB2 and, of course, Futurama)


Legolas is, of course, the most known elf. And the player choose to have one legolas-like-elf called Elgolas (quite original dont you think?).

I usually give XP for images of their characters for motivation. But this one was hilarious. It was simply excelent, i laugh for almost 15 minutes... So here is Elgolas, based on the we-know-who Elf.


The player behind this character is quite a character himself. He ALLWAYS chooses the most strange race to play. This time after searching almost an entire sesion he decided to that he wanted to be one Battletoad. ( battletoad = monk + bullywug )


Thordek is a dwarf. A dwarf fighter actually. Is a simple character for a player that haven't played D&D before. The player is actually a slayer so he needed some character that allow him to do that from lvl 1.


Last but not least. we have Medrash a Dragonborn Paladin follower of Bahamut. I need to say more? the player behind likes representation an really involves within his character role. So we have a leader !!!


Here we have the most loved NPC: Juanito

Juanito is a Goblin. He was a follower of Irontooth, when the party raid the goblin's camp, they lured the dumb goblins into a trap. (... succesful bluff roll...) Using Juanito as the bait. After smashing a bunch of goblins Juanito is told by others goblins that the leader (Irontooth) was cheating on his wife.

Lonely, betrayed and leg-crippled (... the party actually broke his both legs....) he is taught about the mighty  Bahamut. ( Guess who did that.... ) And then he decide to join the party.

As you probably notice the party is a group of: striker-striker-striker-defender-defender so there are missing roles in the group. How the players deal with it? not my problem because i tried a LOT to convince them to fill the missing roles. That mean only one thing: The party have weak spots. : D

I mean --> Weak Spots = More fun for me.